南豆8号为高产、高蛋白春大豆新品种,蛋白质含量45.2%,脂肪含量18.2%。四川省大豆新品种早熟组区试,两年平均155.6 kg/667 m2,比对照成豆9号增产14.9%;国家长江流域春大豆组区试,平均产量为180.5 kg/667 m2,比对照品种湘春10号增产5.1%。适宜在四川及长江中下游各地区种植。
Nandou No. 8 is a new high - yield variety with high protein bred by Nanchong Institute of Agriculture Sciences in Sichuan. This variety' s protein content is 45.2 %, and the content of oil is 18.2 %, thus the total content of protein and oil was as much as 63.4 %. In 2003 and 2004 the regional test yield of Nandou No. 8 in Sichuan ranked the first with an average yield of 155.6 kg/667 m^2. Compared with check variety Chengdu No. 9, the yield of Nandou No. 8 increased 14.9% .This variety was the first one in regional test of Sichuan. Its average yield was 180.5 kg/667 m^2 in national regional test. Compared with check Xiangchun No. 10, the yield increased 5.1% .This variety can be planted in Sichuan and mid - lower regions of Yangtze River.
Soybean Bulletin
Nandou No. 8
variety selection
cultivation technology