目的 探讨“妈咪爱”对轻中度母乳性高胆红素血症的临床应用价值.方法 将67例母乳性黄疸患儿分为两组.治疗组35例,采用“妈咪爱”0.5g/次,3次/d口服,5 d 1疗程;对照组32例采用苯巴比妥5 mg/(kg·d)1次/d,另根据黄疸程度用蓝光箱直接照射6~12h/d.结果 治疗组治疗后血清胆红素为(84.01±10.28)μmol/L,对照组为(95.99±15.94)μmol/L,两组相比差异显著(P<0.05).显效率与治愈天数:治疗组分别为60%与(5.1±1.3)d,而对照组为28.12%与(9.2±2.6)d,两组相比差异非常显著(P均<0.01).结论 “妈咪爱”对轻中度母乳性高胆红素血症疗效高,经济,无不良反应.
Objective A Clinical Observation on Effect of "Mamiai" on Lowering Breast Milk Jaundice by Quickly Constructing Intestinal MicrofloraMethods A total of 67 infants with breast milk jaundice were divided into two groups. Treatment group had 35 infants who were given "Mamiai" (0.5g, t. i. d. ) , and control group had 32 ones who were given phenobarbital (5 mg/kg ·d). Based on the degree of jaundice, all of the infants were treated by phototherapy warmer. Results There was sigificant difference in the therapeutic outcome between the two groups, i.e. "Mamiai" group had better outcome ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion "Mamiai" is efficacious and safe for the treatment of infant breast milk jaundice.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers