本文首先从企业系统、企业资源系统和企业资源管理系统的热力学角度引入负熵概念,并在分析了资源和企业资源的热力学涵义的基础上,试图通过分析企业资源管理系统的仿生态系统特性来寻求有效利用企业资源的方法;然后利用企业资源管理系统的仿生态系统食物链模型对梯次利用企业资源的企业集群产业链进行拟合,从微观层面和中观层面解释了循环经济生产模式的运行机理;最后通过分析天津经济开发区(Tianjin Economicand Technological Development Area,TEDA,译称“泰达”)生态工业园高效利用水资源的实证案例来揭示应用企业资源管理系统仿生态系统特性来实践循环经济中观和微观运行模式对企业资源合理利用的意义所在。此文根植于可持续发展和企业资源系统管理思想,提出的企业资源管理系统仿生态系统特性和在此基础上建立的企业资源梯次利用模型,在理论和实证方面佐证了循环经济思想在中观和微观层面的实践意义。
Through wastes recycle and reuse, integrated use of resources, Clean Production, Eco-industry and developing sustainable Recycle Economy, human being has been groping for how to utilize resources more effectively and sustainablely. The issues related to Sustainable Development (SD) cover with comprehensive systematic issues of society, economy and environment, etc. This paper aims to discuss some issues about enterprises resources and sustainable development. With the help of Thermodynamics, the definition of Negative Entropy is firstly introduced in this paper to analyze the Enterprise System, the Enterprise Resources System and the Enterprise Resources Management System (ERMS). Based on the analysis of thermodynamic meanings of resources and enterprises resources, the quasi ecosystem characteristics of ERMS are analyzed to seek how to utilize enterprise resources effectively. Then the model of food chains in quasi ecosystems is taken to simulate how enterprises industry chains work to step-utilize enterprise resources. Thus the model helps us to understand how Recycling Economy operates in enterprises practices at micro and sub-macro level. Inside certain enterprise the units that recycle enterprise resources should be increased as step-utilizing chains of enterprise resources are lengthened. Among enterprises there should be some Eco-industry Parks, which gather certain different enterprises sharing common resources. As quasi ecosystem rules function among enterprises in Eco-industry Parks,the industry chain structure is finally optimized through decreasing the proportion of manufacture enterprises and increasing the proportion of service enterprises and material recycling enterprises. A case on water resources effective utilization in Eco-industry Park of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area (TEDA-EIP) is brought forward in the end of this paper. The case of TEDA-EIP provides us with a method of recycling and step-utilizing water resources among enterprises, which reduces pollution
Resources Science
Enterprises Resources Management System (ERMS)
Quasi ecosystem characteristics
Utilization model of enterprises resources
Eco-industry Park of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area (TEDA-EIP)