
景象匹配辅助导航系统中的精确图象匹配算法研究 被引量:6

The Study of Precision Image Matching Algorithm For Scene Matching Aided Navigation System
摘要 景象匹配辅助导航系统需要在获取飞行器位置偏差的同时获取飞行器相对预定航迹的航向偏差,即获取实测图相对于参考图之间的旋转变换参数。为此,将最小二乘原理引入景象匹配辅助导航系统以获取图象匹配时的旋转变换参数。由于最小二乘原理只能用于一一对应点集的匹配,为此,在给出实时确定图象特征点集一一对应关系方法的基础上引入了最小二乘原理以计算该图象一一对应点集之间的最优相似变换参数,从而构成了应用于景象匹配辅助导航系统的精确图象匹配算法。仿真结果表明,本文研究的精确图象匹配算法在对50个一一对应点对匹配时可以在0.1秒以内完成,且相似参数计算准确,满足了景象匹配辅助导航系统对图象匹配算法准确性和实时性的性能要求。 The scene matching aided navigation system needs to get both the aircraft position errors and course deviation relative to the preset flight path simultaneously, which are the rotation transformation parameters between the real-time images and refer images. So, the paper applied the least square algorithm to the scene matching aided navigation system for getting the rotation transformation parameter. Since the least square algorithm is only used in point to point pattern, the paper gave the real time algorithm for the relation determination of point to point pattern in images, based on which the least square algorithm has been introduced. So the precision images matching algorithm for scene matching aided navigation system was put forward. The results of simulation show that for 50 to 50 points matching the algorithm costs 0.1 second, and the transformation parameters calculation is correct. So the algorithm in this paper can meet the needs of accuracy and real-time performance in scene matching aided navigation system.
出处 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期680-685,共6页 Journal of Astronautics
关键词 景象匹配辅助导航系统 最小二乘原理 精确图象匹配算法 旋转变换 Scene matching aided navigation system Least square algorithm Precision images matching algorithm Rotation transformation
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