遥感反演大气水汽含量对进行天气预报、遥感大气校正、气候变化及水循环等研究具有重要意义。首先,通过对大气辐射传输方程的推导,改进了三通道算法;然后,模拟了在不同传感器视角条件下,大气水汽含量与MO-D IS 17、18、19通道大气透过率之间的关系,解决了传感器视角问题,提出了针对MOD IS数据的大气水汽含量计算方法;最后,在IDL 6.0环境下,编程实现了该方法,并对2003年6月14日的一景图像进行了反演,结果表明,本文提出的方法是可行的。
Retrieving atmospheric water vapor from remote sensing data is very important in such aspects as weather forecast, atmosphere correction and the study of climatic change and water circulation. At present, there are the two - band ratio method and the three - band ratio method for retrieving atmospheric water vapor from near infrared data. Based on the near infrared radiative transfer theory, this paper has proposed an improved three - band ratio method under the simulation of the radiative transfer model, MODTRAN. Applying this method to three water absorbing bands of MODIS, the authors obtained three kinds of water vapor values. Then the method for retrieving water vapor for MODIS data was worked out on the basis of different sensitivities of the three bands to the absorbing of water vapor. The authors retrieved the water vapor of eastern China and the results show that the method is feasible and practical.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources