为观察戊二醛的中和剂及其中和产物对细胞和病毒的影响,采用中和剂试验方法对甘氨酸和亚硫酸钠中和戊二醛及其所形成的产物进行了实验室研究。结果,含10 g/L以下浓度的亚硫酸钠和含20 g/L甘氨酸作为中和剂对细胞和脊髓灰质炎病毒生长基本无影响。含5 g/L甘氨酸与相同浓度的戊二醛形成的中和产物对细胞和脊髓灰质炎病毒生长无影响;含≥3 g/L亚硫酸钠与含≤20 g/L戊二醛形成的中和产物对细胞生长无影响,但接种病毒的细胞不出现病变。≥5 g/L甘氨酸与≥10 g/L的戊二醛作用形成的中和产物对细胞均有较大的影响,但对病毒均无影响。结论,低浓度(≤5 g/L)戊二醛对脊髓灰质炎病毒的灭活试验中,可选择甘氨酸作为中和剂。
In order to observe the influence of glutaraldehyde neutralizer and its neutralizing product on cells and virus, neutralizer test method was used to carry out laboratory study on neutralization of glutaraldehyde by glycine and sodium sulrite and the neutralizing product. Results : Sodium sulfite at concentration lower than 10 g/L and 20 g/L glycine used as the neutralizers essentially had no influence on growth of poliovirus and cells. The neutralizing product formed by 5 g/L glycine and glutaraldehyde at the same concentration had no influence on growth of poliovirus and cells. The neutralizing product formed by ≥3 g/L sodium sulfite and glutaraldehyde at concentration ≤20 g/L had on influence on growth of cells, but the cells inoculated with the virus did not show pathological change. The neutralizing product formed by ≥5 g/l, glycine and ≥ 10 g/L glutaraldehyde had considerable influence on cells, but no influence on virus. Conclusion: In test for inactivating poliovirus by glutaraldehyde at low concentration ( ≤5 g/L) , glycine can be selected as the neutralizer.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection