
几个n维Euclid空间概念与定理 被引量:1

Several Important Concepts and Theorems for the n Dimension Euclid Space
摘要 解析几何中介绍了三维Euclid空间中点、直线、平面的概念及关系,通过把三维Euclid空间中向量的数性积、矢性积与混合积等推广到n维Euclid空间的情形,研究了n维Euclid空间中向量间的关系,以此为基础,推广了点、直线、平面的概念,尤其给出了n维Euclid空间中关于点、直线、平面的几个重要关系定理,为线性规划的几何算法研究打下了理论基础. Analytic geometry is involved in the concepts of point, straight line and plane of the three dimensions space and their relations. In this paper, the n dimension vector relations are studied by generalizing the concepts of vector quantity product, vector product and mixed product from the three space to the n dimension space. Meanwhile, the concepts of point, straight line and plane are generalized to the case of the n dimension space. This paper also gives several important relation theorems between the n dimension point, straight line and plane, which lays a solid theoretical foundation for the linear programming geometry algorithm.
作者 刘道建
出处 《湖南工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第3期80-82,共3页 Journal of Hunan Institute of Engineering(Natural Science Edition)
基金 湖南科技大学科研项目"线性规划问题的几何算法"
关键词 n维Euclid空间 概念 定理 性质 n Dimension Euclid Space concept theorem property
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