
国联教育考察团来华考察述评 被引量:4

Comment on the Report of Experts' Investigation Group of International Culture Cooperation Committee
摘要 应中华民国政府的邀请,国际文化合作委员会专家考察团(国联教育考察团)于1931年9月抵达中国,并开始了对中国教育的考察工作。考察团经过长达三个月的调查,提交一份较为详细的报告书,分别对中国小学教育、中学教育、大学教育和成人教育等方面作了整体考察,同时提出具体的改革建议。报告书出版后,引起了中、美教育界和欧洲学者的极大反响。政府官员或与政界有关系者对此表示肯定,一些外国学者亦认为考察报告有较大价值;而教育文化界人士则予以强烈批评,美国教育界则批评考察报告的仿欧倾向,并以此为遗憾。 At the invitation of Republic of China, Experts' Investigation Group of International Culture Cooperation Committee came to China in September 1931 and began their investigation on China's education. With three months' work, they presented a detailed report on the education in primary schools, middle schools, colleges and universities, and on adult education of China. And in the report, they put forward the detailed suggestions on the education reform. When the report published, it sent shock waves through the educational circles in China, USA and Europe. The government officials and who were connected with government expressed their consent, and some foreign scholars also set a high value on it. However, people of educational and cultural circles gave it strong criticisms, and the educational circles in USA criticized the tendency to Europe-like of the report and expressed their disappointment.
作者 邓小泉
出处 《南通大学学报(教育科学版)》 2006年第3期60-63,共4页 Journal Of Nantong University(Education Sciences Edition)
关键词 国联教育考察团 考察 反响 评价 Experts' Investigation Group of International Culture Cooperation Committee investigation repercussions
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