利用主要农艺性状以及SSR和AFLP2种分子标记,对河北省41个大豆推广品种进行遗传多样性分析,以便为种质资源利用和创新提供依据。农艺性状聚类结果将41个材料划分为3个类群和2个特殊品种,聚类结果与材料系谱来源相差悬殊,不能反映材料间亲缘关系。SSR和AFLP数据聚类结果将41个材料划分为4个SAG(SSR and AFLP—basedgroups)分子类群。30对SSR引物共检测出135个等位变异,平均每个位点上有4.47个等位变异,SSR的遗传多样性指数(Simpson)分布范围为0.0928~0.7800,平均值为0、6442。10对AFLP引物共扩增出93个多态性标记,平均每对引物9.3个多态性标记。品种间的遗传相似系数(GS)变化范围为0.5877~0.9868,平均值变化范围为0.6732~0.7653,总体平均值为0.7237,遗传相似系数较高,说明材料间遗传变异较小。
The genetic diversity was evaluated in the main soybean cultivars of Hebei province based on SSR, AFLP and agronomic characters for the utilization and innovation of these germplasm resources. The materials were divided into three groups and two special cultivars in the cluster based on the 12 agronomic traits. The groups could not reflect the pedigrees of the cultivars, Four SAGs (SSR&AFLP-based groups) were generated from the result of SSR and AFLP cluster analysis. Totally 135 SSR alleles were revealed in 41 cultivars. The number of alleles per SSR locus varied from 2 to 8 and with the average of 4.47. The distribution of simpson index of 30 SSR loci was from 0. 0928 to 0. 7800, and with the mean of 0. 6442, Ninety-three DNA polymorphic markers were scored from amplifications of 10 AFLP primer combinations, with 9.3 markers for each primer combination in average. The range of Simple match coefficient was from 0. 5877 to 0.9868 and the range of average was from 0. 6732 to 0. 7653, with the total average of 0. 7237. The result indicated that the soybean population was with lower genetic variation.
Journal of Plant Genetic Resources