电力系统稳定器(power system stabilizer,PSS)是目前已经被证实的最经济、最有效的阻尼低频振荡的手段,也是国际大电网会议推荐的首选措施。近年来,随着电网规模的不断扩大,低频振荡的发生也越来越多,于是各国及各省纷纷在电网中大量投入PSS装置,以抑制低频振荡,加强系统阻尼,提高电网的动态稳定性。为此,分析了定能电厂1号、2号机组电力系统稳定器(PSS)的试验结果,所整定的PSS对于抑制低频振荡效果显著,并针对试验中出现的问题,给出了PSS的一种改进模型。
The power system stabilizer(PSS) has been proved to be the most economic and effective means for damping low-frequency oscillation at present, and is the first choice for the said purpose recommended by International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems(CIGRE). In recent years, with the development of power grid and the increasing occurrence of low-frequency oscillation, PSS has been widely used in power system for damping low-frequency oscillation and enhancing dynamic stability of power grids. This paper analyzes the test result of PSS for Unit I and Unit 2 in Dingneng Power Plant; the PSS after setting is efficient in restraining low-frequency oscillation. An improvement on the PSS model is also discussed in view of the problems in the test.
Guangdong Electric Power