
WTO对跨国公司限制竞争行为的规制与中国反垄断法的完善 被引量:1

Conditioning of WTO to Multinational Corporations and Improvement of Chinese Antimonopoly Law
摘要 GATT/WTO多边贸易规则弱化了政府管理、干预贸易与投资的权力,推动了跨国公司的发展与壮大。但跨国公司实施的固定价格、数量与分割市场、滥用市场支配地位等限制竞争的行为,不仅对东道国的经济秩序与消费者利益有消极影响,而且会形成新的市场准入壁垒,损害各方通过WTO谈判而取得的市场准入的期待利益。各方利益冲突致使短期内WTO不可能形成统一、有效的竞争规则。中国应密切关注WTO框架内竞争规则的讨论,力求制订符合国际发展潮流的竞争规则。针对在华跨国公司限制竞争行为的形式与特点,中国在反垄断立法、执法中应建立完善的价格预警机制、并购报批程序、区别措施、宽大政策、国际合作机制等。 Muhilateral trade rules of GATT/WTO have weakened government administration, interfered with trade and investment powers and improved the development and expansion of multinational corporations. However, their competition-limiting practices such as fixed price and quantity, dividing market and abusing market's manipulative role not only have negative influences towards economic order of the home country and the consumer's interests but form new market-entry barrier to endanger the expecting interests from market-entry through negotiations. The conflicts of interests result in the fact that it is impossible for WTO to form uniform and effective competition rules. China should pay close attention to the discussion of the rules in the framework of WTO and strive to establish competition rules conforming to the trend of international development. Considering the ways and characteristics of those multinational corporations, limiting competition practices in China, China should establish perfect price warning, combine approval procedures, distinguish measures, implement leniency program and international cooperation.
作者 朱家贤
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 2006年第5期109-113,共5页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 国家留学基金委资助的课题项目<WTO框架内的竞争政策与中国反垄断法完善>(2003811097)的研究成果之一
关键词 WTO 跨国公司 限制竞争行为 中国 反垄断法 WTO Multinational Corporation Limit Competitive Practices Chinese Antimonopoly Law
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