Objective By measuring the parenchyma of skull and jaw of adult men and women of han nationality and spiral three - dimensional CT rebuilt bone, and comparing with the measuring data of the skull, we investigated influencing factors related with the diagnosis and treatment to the jaw, and established a foundation for the adjustment of the diagnosis model simulaneous. Methods Twenty cases of both adult men and adult women of Hart nationality without skull abnormality were chosen randomly. The parenchyma of skull and jaw was general measured and the bone was also done by the spiral 3D- CT. And then the statistic analysis to the data was carried out. Results Jaw and facial parenchyma has a great influence to gender judgment of men and women. The measure result of han nationdity adult people of the length of head, the midth of middle face and othen date which realted to the lower face are different significanty. There is correspondence basically between spiral three - dimensional CT and oaseoue measure of the skull bone. Conclusion There is correspondence basically between spiral three - dimensional CT and osseoue measure of the skull bone. Jaw and facial parenchyma has a great influence to gender judgment of Hart nationality people, and also the diagnosis and treatment of the jaw and face. In the treatment of the lower facial abnormality, not only the osteal treatment but also the adjustment of the parenchyma is necessary.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
Spiral CT
Graniofacial bone
Three dimensional reconstruction
Quantitative measurement