

On the decision-making in terms of public security crisises
摘要 当前公安危机决策中存在的凭经验决策、临危决断、按部就班决策、信息处理机制不健全等问题制约着公安危机的妥善处理。根据危机的发生、发展直到结束的规律,为妥善解决公安危机,需建立危机的防范机制、危机的信息发布机制、危机发生时的应对机制,危机结束后要认真总结经验教训。 The problems that exist in public security men's crisises at present has restricted the proper way of dealing with the public security men's crisises, such as making decisions according to experience, making decisions in face of crises , making decisions step by step, and disposing on information mechanism imperfectly. According to the law the emergence, the development, and the end, in order to solve public security crisises properly, we need to set up the precaution mechanism, information issue mechanism of the crisises, the mechanism that can deal with the crisises when the crisises take place. Besides we should also summarize the experience and learn from the lessons after the crisises conscientiously. Then we could set up the decision-making mechanism of public security crisises .
作者 石启飞
出处 《吉林公安高等专科学校学报》 2006年第4期18-21,共4页 Journal of Jilin Public Secunity Academy
关键词 公安 危机 决策 Public security, Crisis, decision-making
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