据估计,电动机消耗了中国一半以上的电能,传统的机械式控制方法用电效率不到50%,而基于逆变器的变速驱动设计可以节约大部分被浪费掉的电能。要提高基于逆变器的调速驱动器的使用率,必须找到一种可以简化结构同时保持高效性能的设计方法。新型iMOTIONTM芯片组包括一个特殊的运动控制引擎(MCE,Motion Control Engine)和一个永磁电动机驱动专用的高压集成电路(IC)。本文介绍了该芯片组在空调设计中的应用,并给出了相关的测试数据。
Estimates are that more than half of all electricity in China powers motors. The traditional mechanical control scheme wastes half of the electricity it uses. Inverter-based, variable-speed-drive designs can save most of these losses. Advancing the adoption of inverter-based variable speed drives requires finding a means to achieve mechanical simplicity while maintaining the performance necessary to meet high-efficiency goals. A new iMOTIONTM chipset consists of a unique MCE (Motion Control Engine) and a dedicated high-voltage IC to drive a PM (permanent-magnet) motor. This paper presents the chipset in the context of an air-conditioner design with corresponding test data.
The World of Inverters