Let F be a family of holomorphic functions in a domain D, k be a positive integer, a, b(≠0), c(≠0) and d be finite complex numbers. If, for each f∈F, all zeros of f-d have multiplicity at least k, f^(k) = a whenever f=0, and f=c whenever f^(k) = b, then F is normal in D. This result extends the well-known normality criterion of Miranda and improves some results due to Chen-Fang, Pang and Xu. Some examples are provided to show that our result is sharp.
Let F be a family of holomorphic functions in a domain D, k be a positive integer, a, b(≠0), c(≠0) and d be finite complex numbers. If, for each f∈F, all zeros of f-d have multiplicity at least k, f^(k) = a whenever f=0, and f=c whenever f^(k) = b, then F is normal in D. This result extends the well-known normality criterion of Miranda and improves some results due to Chen-Fang, Pang and Xu. Some examples are provided to show that our result is sharp.
The first author is supported in part by the Post Doctoral Fellowship at Shandong University.The second author is supported by the national Nature Science Foundation of China (10371065).