The main content of estimation of sustainable development is to ensure human load stay within global carrying capacity. Index system of sustainable development assessment is one of part of judge and decision system. In the paper, we select 42 indexes of sustainable system complying to comprehensive, compendious and systemic principle. Then,we assessed sustainable trend and sustainable ability of the region in 1990 -2002. The trend evaluation is to adopt the method of complicated comprehensive evaluation in order to analyse the state,trend, degree and level of comprehensive development of region sustainable development system, and to assay and compare with corresponding standard. According to result of judging, development of economy and society is stead,and environment pollution and resources occupation is fluctuant, especially resources occupation exponential presented a accending trend in 2000. The reason is traditional economic development model has high flow rate. Environment development synthesion index and resources development synthesion index that can reflect relation of environment pollution and resources occupation present the same trend. In the beginning of 1990's in 20 centuries, because the condition of pollution of the environment and resources consume is more serious, and social economic develop levels in the meantime is lower, two indexes are higher. After 1998, the period of environment quality exalted gradually and the resources depletion descendence came, so the index r was more and more low. That show sustainable development ability to be raising continuously. Sustainble development ability evaluation is to analyse condition and obstacle of sustainable development with analysing relation and effect of the system state in order to evaluate sustainable development ability and the potential. With evaluation, it is expressed:1 )Resources depletion and pollution of the environment for 1993 - 1996, 2000 and 2002 make very small pressure to sustainable development, and the system of sustainble
Scientia Geographica Sinica
sustainable development
index system
trend analyse
Suihua City