
上颌窦根治术后面颊区皮肤麻木及牙齿麻木问题的剖析 被引量:1

Caldwell-Luc Operation Empress of the Face Skin Numbness Analyzes with the Benumbed Problem in tooth.
摘要 目的为了研究和解决上颌窦根治术术后所遗留的术侧面颊区皮肤长期麻木、上列牙齿长期麻木的后遗症,解决术后患者的长期痛苦,我们开始对其发生的原因进地临床研究,旨在消除其后遗症,达到临床手术的微创化。方法从临床解剖学上研究上颌窦及面颊部皮肤、上颌齿槽部的血液供应、神经支配及走形,结合上颌窦根治术对这些神经血管的损伤及影响程度,结合我科上颌窦根治术后的后遗症病例进行讨论。结果上颌窦根治术大量损伤眶下动脉的分支,造成该部的大量出血;上领窦根治术大量损伤三叉神经的上颌支,使其形成不可逆的修复,造成术侧的上列牙齿长期麻木,术侧面颊部的皮肤长期麻木,感觉长期迟钝:降低了患者的生活质量(QOL),使患者感到局部长期不适。结论(1)上颌窦根治术的入路是造成术后后遗症症状的根本性原因;(2)损伤大量眶下动脉的分支,切口出血量较大:(3)损伤大量三叉神经感觉支,是造戍其术后麻木的根本性原因。 Objective Definitely reach agreement for the sake of the research up the genyantrum cures for good the long-term benumbed linger effect of long-term numbness, above mentioned tooth in skin in area in cheek in on the side in the operation left behind in operation in operation, solving the future trouble of long-term pain and sufierings, we start as to it's the reason that take place proceed clinical research, the aim is dissolving its linger effect, attain the clinical surgical operation tiny to create to turn.Methods From the last research in clinical anatomy genyantrum and cheek a skin, top the tooth slot a linger effect for of blood supplying, nerve controling and walking form, eombinative last gen.vantrum curing for good operation to afferent harm in these nerveses and affecting degree. joining together my section ascending genyantrum curing tbr good operation empress case proceeds the discussion.Results Top the genyantrum cures for good operation large quantity hurts the next arterial branch of eye socket, resulting in the large quantity issue of blood of that department;Top the gcnyantrum cures for good the last long-term numbness in a skin for. making its formation can't return repairing, resulting in long-term nnmbness in lateral and above mentioned tooth in operation, operation on the side cheek department that operation large quantity hurt trigeminal nerve, feeling the long-term the muff;Lowered the sufferer's living quantity(QOL), make the sufferer feel the partial long-term not well.Conclusion (1) Top the genyantrum cure for good the operation into the road is a basic to result in the operation empress linger effect symptom reason:(2)Hurt large quantit.v ere socket next arterial branch, slice bleeds the deal bigger:(3) Hurt large quantity trigeminal nerve felling, is a benumbed and basic reason after resulting in its operation.
出处 《中华临床医学杂志》 2006年第8期11-13,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Practical Medicine
关键词 上颌窦根治术 三叉神经 眶下动脉 麻木 Caldwell-Luc operation Trigeminal nerve Arteria infraorbital Numbness
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