BALB/c mice were immunized with Salmonella strains containing different. Hf and Vi antigens or purified If and V i antigens. The spleen cells were fused with myeloma cells Sp2/0. 29 strains o f hybridoima cell secret ing monolonal antibodies againsl Salmonella antigen 0:2,4, 7, 8, 9, 3, 10, 11, H:a, b, c, d, i and Vi respectively, were obtained by screening. Among the 29 strains, 17 belonged to IgM, 7 lgG3, 3 IgC1, 1 IgG2a, but 1 was not determined. 3 of them were λ chain and the rest,k chain. McAb asciles were determined with represcnlative strains of Salmonella and other enlerobaeteria. Most of them possessed high specificity and sensitivity. A kit of dia-gnoslic reagents of Salmonella MeAbs(11 kinds)was produced for the use of preliminary diagnosis of S. typhi, S. paratyphi and S. typhimurium. The production processes of I he Salmonella McAbs were more convenient than that of the traditional products. Thus it would benefit in the use of them.
antibodies, monoclonal
reagent kits, diagnostic.