A kit of Salmonella monoclonal antibodies against 11 kinds of anligenic factors of Salmonella strains commonly occurred in nature was established by hybrid oma technique. It included anli 0-2, 1, 7, 9, anti H-a, b, c, d, i, anti Vi and anti A-F 'O' group McAbs. It was tested by 711 known strains ( 563 Salmomella strains, 148 other strains) by using slide agglutination test and showed that the McAbs only agglutinated rapidly and clearly with the strains which possessed the relative antigens and did not agglutinate with non-relating enterobacterial strains. The specificity and sensitivity of these Salmonella McAbs were reached and even exceeded the approved the approved requirements in effect when tested with appropriate strains and methods. It is resonabbly concluded that these McA.bs can be used as cffctive diagnosis reagents instead of the original ones.
antibodies, monoclonal
reagent kits, diagnosis.