目的:分析北京海淀区乙肝疫苗免疫接种策略所取得的经济效益,促进北京海淀区免疫接种策略的巩固和完善。方法:据北京市卫生局统计信息中心提供单病种费用统计资料,以及多家医院肝病HBV感染相关肝病患者的费用调研,对北京海淀区2004年HBV感染相关肝病患者的直接医疗费用负担现况进行了描述性分析,并以北京海淀区疾病预防控制中心乙肝流行病学和计划免疫报告资料为基础,运用微观经济学的成本效益方法,对乙肝疫苗免疫接种策略进行卫生经济综合评价。结果:在现行的免疫接种策略下,北京海淀区自1994~2004年接种乙肝疫苗以来,预计共减少了急性乙肝4 365人、HBsAg阳性携带者38 148人、慢性乙肝9 537人、肝硬化954人、肝癌95人。净效益为1.91亿元,总的效益成本比为4.59:1。结论:北京海淀区现行的乙肝疫苗接种策略可以获得较好的经济效益,应继续巩固和完善。
Objective: This paper aims at analyzing the economic benefit of Hepatitis B Vaccine Immunization Strategy in Haidian District of Beijing in order to consolidate and improve the immunization plan.Methods:This paper analyzes direct medical expenses of patients suffering from HBV - related diseases by adopting random sampling from various hospitals as well as the statistical data provided by Beijing Municipal Health Bureau. At the same time, based on the Hepatitis B epidemiological and immunization reports from CDC of Haidian District, this paper also carries out comprehensive health economic evaluation of the Immunization Strategy by using cost - benefit analysis.Results: Under the present immunization strategy, Haidian District is estimated to have prevented 4 365 persons from suffering acute HB, 38 148 persons from positive HBsAg, 9 537 persons from chronic HB, 954 persons from liver cirrhosis, 95 persons from liver cancer between 1994 and 2004 by inoculating HB vaccine. The net benefit is 100.91 million RMB, and the benefit - cost ratio 1 : 4.59. Conclusion:The current Hepatitis B Vaccine Immunization Strategy generates high economic benefit and it should be consolidated and improved.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
Hepatitis B
immunization strategy
Benefit-Cost Analysis