Simulation technology has been widely used for performance prediction and optimal design of refrigeration and air conditioning appliances. A brief history of simulation technology for refrigeration and air conditioning appliances is reviewed. The models for evaporator, condenser, compressor, cap- illary tube and thermal insulation layer are summa- rized, and a fast calculation method for thermody- namic properties of refrigerant is introduced in this paper. The model-based intelligent simulation tech- nology and the simulation technology based on graph theory are also illustrated. Finally, an updated trend of simulation technology development for refrigera- tion and air conditioning appliances is discussed.
Simulation technology has been widely used for performance prediction and optimal design of refrigeration and air conditioning appliances. A brief history of simulation technology for refrigeration and air conditioning appliances is reviewed. The models for evaporator, condenser, compressor, capillary tube and thermal insulation layer are summarized, and a fast calculation method for thermodynamic properties of refrigerant is introduced in this paper. The model-based intelligent simulation technology and the simulation technology based on graph theory are also illustrated. Finally, an updated trend of simulation technology development for refrigeration and air conditioning appliances is discussed.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50576053)
State Technical Innovation Foundation (No. 02BK278)
Doctoral Subject Foundation, Shanghai 0utstanding Young Scientists Foundation (No. 05QMH1410),Fujitsu General Ltd., Haier, Chunlan, etc. A lot of contributions done by many graduate students and colleagues are greatly appreciated.
refrigeration, air conditioning, simulation, model, computer.