该文通过对我国建筑业全球化 思潮的反思,借助印度建筑师柯立亚对 设计方法的阐述及建筑原动力的分析, 解读其实际创作中呈现出的设计思想, 总结出基于传统建筑的现代类型学创作 方法,完成从“一阶类型”的提取,到 “二阶类型”的变形,再到“二阶类型” 在现实世界的还原这整个过程的模式设 定,由此提出一个在当代建筑中创造其 深层含义的可能性。
This paper reflects on the stream of globallzation in the architecture trade of our country. In virtue of the illumination about the design method and analysis of the primordial force that generates architecture proposed by Charles Correa, the paper explains the design idea that he wanted to express and summarizes the traditional architecture based method of modern typology- design. A whole mode from exacting the "first phase type" to transmuting the "secondary phase type", fill to reverting the "secondary phase type" to real world was proposed. By this means, the probabilities of creating the deep meanings in modern architecture come into being.
Huazhong Architecture