
从企业进化论的视角看企业自主创新 被引量:3

Enterprise Evolutionism View on Initiative Innovation
摘要 企业进化论是现代企业理论和战略管理理论的一个重要学派。企业进化论把企业当作生命体,认为企业具有类似于生物体遗传基因的routine。Routine企业之间差异的根源,是企业的核心竞争力所在。为了适应不断变化的环境,通过探索活动(自主创新)实现企业routine的进化。根据企业进化论对企业自主创新的剖析可以得出如下结论:第一,只有自主创新才能形成持久的竞争力;第二,自主创新应从企业自身条件和需要出发;第三,自主创新要适度;第四,自主创新要注意节奏;第五,自主创新要有长远眼光。 Enterprises evolutionism is a main school of the theory of modem enterprise and strategy management. This theory holds that enterprises is a heart's-blood and has genie routine similarly organism. Routine is both the root of a discrepancy between enterprises and the core competence of enterprises. To adapting to the changing environment, routine evolution is achieved via innovation. We can draw the following conclusion : ( 1 ) continuous competence depends on initiative innovation ; (2) enterprises'initiative innovation must accord to their conditions and needs; (3) initiative innovation should be within appropriate measure; (4) initiative innovation should be at proper pace; (5) initiative innovation should be form a long-term point.
作者 孙明华
机构地区 天津社会科学院
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 2006年第4期95-98,共4页 Soft Science
关键词 自主创新 ROUTINE 企业竞争力 initiative innovation routine enterprises competence
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