为检测SMT焊点的质量,提取焊点质量信息,研究了利用光学手段实测的SMT焊点的三维重建和显示技术,并且运用V isual C#.Net和OpenGL编制了一套软件。该软件可以利用SMT焊点的二维图像,通过三维重构算法计算出SMT焊点的表面高度离散点的数据集,即离散点云。对离散点云进行排序重组和三角网格化后,运用OpenGL对三角网格进行消隐,设定法线、光照、材质和贴图的处理,重建SMT焊点的表面,由此获得SMT焊点的三维信息,利于分析焊点的质量信息。
For inspecting soldered point quality and reliability, a method of 3-D reconstruction and display is studied. A software system was established with Visual C#. Net and OpenGL. This software can calculate SMT soldered point surface point-clouds based on SMT 2D image and 3-D reconstruction algorithm. After reorganizing the unorganized discrete point-clouds and generating a triangular mesh , the paper indicates how to reconstruct the SMT soldered point 3D surface by blanking , setting up normal , illumination" , choosing material and mapping.
Electro-Mechanical Engineering