目的:探讨经阴道彩色多普勒超声(CD-TVS)在诊断围绝经期异常子宫出血中的应用价值。方法:临床诊断的围绝经期异常子宫出血的116例患者,经CD-TVS拟诊,并与分段诊刮、宫腔镜检查、手术病理结果对照分析。结果:CD-TVS拟诊、经病理证实的子宫内膜癌灶区血流R I值(0.41±0.018)显著低于内膜良性病变〔R I>0.48,(0.58±0.1)、(0.56±0.07)、(0.63±0.11)〕,P<0.01;内膜良性病变的超声诊断符合率:子宫内膜增生89.10%,内膜息肉85.20%,黏膜下小肌瘤86.67%,内膜炎92.30%,内膜恶性病变的超声诊断符合率90.90%。结论:CD-TVS能为围绝经期异常子宫出血的内膜病变性质预测及内膜癌分期提供有价值的依据。
Objective: To discuss the clinical value of Transvaginal Color Doppler Sonography (CD -TVS) in diagnosing the abnormal uterus hemorrhage during perirmenopausal period. Methods: The 116 patients with abnormal uterus hemorrhage during perirmenopausal period underwent CD - TVS, the results were compared with those of fractional curettage, hysteroscopy diagnosis and operation pathology. Results : The Resistance index (RI) value of the carcinoma foci area of endometrial diagnosed by CD TVS arid confirmed by operative pathology (0. 41 ±0. 018) is significantly lower than that of the benign lesions of endometrial (RI 〉 0. 48, 0. 58 ±0. 1, 0. 56 ±0. 07, 0. 63 ±0. 11 ), P 〈0. 01; The diagnostic coincidence rates of CD- TVS of benign lesions of endometrial are: endome proliferation 89. 1%, endometrial polyp 85. 2%, sub mucous myoma 86. 67%, endometrial 92. 3% ; The diagnostic coincidence rate of CD - TVS of malignant lesions of endometrial is 90. 9%. Conclusion: CD -TVS is helpful in forecasting the endometrial lesion quality of abnormal uterus hemorrhage during perinnenopausal period and dividing the development period of endometrial carcinoma.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
Transvaginal Color Doppler Sonography
Perirmenopausal period, Endometrial lesion