

A probe into the reason why Fu Xuan could write poems about women
摘要 傅玄大量创作女性诗歌绝非单一原因可以简单概括,而是多种因素综合作用的结果。前代大量优秀女性诗歌为他的创作奠定了基础,提供了客观条件,而他重视模拟前作的主观动机也至为重要;对女性的同情、理解和尊重的情感态度为他集聚了情感动力,大大激发了他的创作冲动;最后,出于移风易俗、裨益教化的考虑和从人伦根基出发以匡正时局的良苦用心,是傅玄大量创作女性诗歌的深层原因。 The reason why Fu Xuan could write a arge number of poems about women can not be simply summarized by a sole factor, since it is the combined result of various factors. Massive outstanding poems about women of the former generations had laid the foundation and provided the objective condition for Fu Xuan' s writing, but his subjective motive in immitating former poems was also very important. In addition, the emotional attitude of sympathy, understanding and respect for females gathered the emotional power for Fu Xuan and greatly stimulated his desire of creation, Finally, his intention to change the existing habits and customs, provide enlightenment and rectify the current political situation from the foundation of the human relations was the deep reason for Fu Xuan' s writing a large number of poems about women.
作者 王家胜
机构地区 山东大学文学院
出处 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 2006年第4期57-60,共4页 Journal of Xuchang University
关键词 傅玄 女性诗歌 原因 Fu Xuan poems about women reason
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