文章分析了远程异地容灾的特点以及面临的问题,讨论了容灾中光纤通道储存区域网(FC SAN)技术以及服务器集群的使用,并且详细分析了如何利用多业务传送平台(MSTP)和粗波分复用(CWDM)技术来解决异地FC SAN存储子网之间的传输问题,最后提出了一套完整的、应用级别的远程容灾解决方案。
This article starts with the analysis of the characteristics of remote disaster recovery and the related problems, which is followed by the description of the Fiber Channel Storage Area Network ( FC SAN) technology and the usage of the server cluster in remote disaster recovery, and a detailed discussion on the transmissions among different subnets of FC SAN by using the Multi-Service Transport Platform (MSTP) and Coarse Wave Division Multiplexer (CWDM) technology. It ends with the presentation of a comprehensive application-level remote disaster recovery solution.
Study on Optical Communications