本文通过对81例老年人 Colles 骨折的分析,探讨了 Colles 骨折患者骨质疏松发生率及骨质疏松对 Colles 骨折治疗的影响。结果表明:本组Colles 骨折患者骨质疏松率为66.67%。有骨质疏松的 Colles 骨折复位后不易维持良好位置,复位后4周畸形率明显大于无骨质疏松者。因此,有明显骨质疏松的 Colles 骨折治疗方法有待进一步改进。
81 patients over the age of fifty with colles fracture were analysed inorder to study the incidence of osteoporosis in colles fracture casesand the influence of osteoporosis on the treatement of colles fracture.The cortical width of the second metacarpal was used as the indicatorof osteoporosis.As a result,66.67% of the patients in this group wereosteoporosis.The final deformity was significantly greater in patientswith osteoporosis.