
中国城乡成人黄斑全层裂孔患病率:北京眼病研究 被引量:6

Prevalence of full-thickness macular holes in urban and rural adult Chinese:The Beijing Eye Study
摘要 PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence of full-thickness macular holes in the elderly Chinese population. DESIGN: Population-based,cross-sectional cohort study. METHODS: The Beijing Eye Study included 4439 subjects out of 5324 subjects invited to participate (response rate 83.4% ) aged 40 years or older. The present investigation consisted of 8653 (97.9% ) eyes of 4346 subjects for whom readable fundus photographs were available. RESULTS: Full-thickness macular holes were found in eight (0.092% ) eyes of seven (0.16% )-patients (six women). Prevalence was 0.09± 3.04% 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.03,0.16% . CONCLUSIONS: Fullthickness macular holes may be present in approximately 1.6 out of 1000 elderly Chinese in Northern China. Calculated for the entire population in China,the figure would be approximately 750,000 patients with unilateral full-thickness macular holes 650,000 (95% CI: 217,000 to 1,156,000) or bilateral full-thickness macular holes 100,000 (95% CI: 33,000 to 178,000). PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence of full-thickness macular holes in the elderly Chinese population. DESIGN: Population-based, cross-sectional cohort study. METHODS: The Beijing Eye Study included 4439 subjects out of 5324 subjects invited to participate (response rate 83.4% ) aged 40 years or older. The present inves- tigation consisted of 8653 (97. 9% ) eyes of 4346 subjects for whom readable fundus photographs were available. RESULTS: Full-thickness macular holes were found in eight (0. 092% ) eyes of seven (0. 16% ) -patients (six women). Prevalence was 0. 09 ±3.04% [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.03, 0. 16%] . CONCLUSIONS: Fulhhickness macular holes may be present in approximately 1.6 out of 1000 elderly Chinese in Northern China. Calculated for the entire population in China, the figure Would be approximately 750, 000 patients with unilateral full-thickness macular holes 650, 000 (95% CI: 217, 000 to 1, 156, 000) or bilateral full-thickness macular holes 100, 000 (95% CI: 33,000 to 178,000).
出处 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册)》 2006年第6期17-17,共1页 Digest of the World Core Medical Journals:Ophthalmology
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