在指导2005年全国大学生电子设计竞赛F题“数控直流电流源”中,经过对设计题目的详细分析,提出以DAC1201KP-V型12位D/A转换器为控制核心,与普通运算放大器和达林顿管相结合,间接控制电流大小的实现方案。通过DAC1201KP-V在高精度数控直流电流源中的应用,实现了输出电流20 mA~2000mA,步进1mA,改变负载电阻,输出电压在10V以内变化时,输出电流变化的绝对值≤输出电流值的0.1%+1mA等设计技术指标,取得了较好的控制效果。
In the process of instructing the 2005 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest to complete the F topic , "The Digital Controlled DC Current Source'.Mter a careful study of the design topic,a scheme of indirect control current using DAC1201KP-V 12bit D/A converter as its control core, combining the common operational amplifier and the Darlington transistor was proposed. DAC1201KP- V can be used in the high accuracy digital controlled DC current source, its technical specifications are as follows:output current 20mA-2000mA,step lmA,change load resistance,the output voltage changes in 10V,output current change absolute value 〈= output current 0.1%+ 1 mA,the control effect is satisfactory.
International Electronic Elements