
基于现代技术的教学改革与批判诠释 被引量:1

Annotation of teaching reform and criticism based on modern technology
摘要 现代技术,尤其数字技术为大学教学开辟一个新的地平线,使技术力量在教学改革中越来越重要,而在很大程度上忽视教学内容和结构所能起到的作用。技术对“教”与“学”的行为产生了深刻影响,也解放了教学活动,为它提供一个广阔公共教育空间的同时,却带来另外一些新型隐蔽的枷锁。数字技术模糊了校内与校外学习界限,也进一步瓦解大学教学存在的根基,从而使大学的教学活动难以守护人类精神家园,更不要期待它成为一个审查世事、批判社会和引领思想的中心,以及培养独立思想和自由人格的地方。因为,大学教学也并不局限于对外在客观世界了解的一层含义,其内容还要涉及包括对事物、社会的理解意义这个层面。 In the wave of China's higher education massification, there is an increasing expectation from the people that digital technology may enhance and improve teaching quality. This paper first analyzes the connotation of technology in the teaching field, and technology's more and more prevailing and complicated application in the teaching activities. Then it emphasizes that we could neither make extravagant description of technology's value in teaching to neglect exploring its technological content, nor could we make extravagant promotion of technological role in teaching to neglect defect of technology itself. The paper further analyzes the impact of technology on the teaching. Owing to its features of greater capacity for information, faster speed, farther distance and more precise duplication, digital technology comes to affect teaching content and facilitate changes of teaching activities. Based on modern information technology's features, the author makes analysis of the emancipating function of new technology on teaching activities. He takes the view that it is not technology that gives impetus to teaching reform, but the teaching content and structural adjustment. In his view, the impact of technology on teaching activities and its emancipation will eventually return to the issue of effectiveness of technology in teaching, which is refers to evaluation of teaching. The effective application of technology in the teaching requires us to realize the nature, strength, and adaptive sphere of technology so that technology can totally emerge in the teaching activities. However, in the course of that, the mastery of technology on the part of teachers will become the most important and influential factors of whether it will be successful in the overall teaching reform.
作者 杨海征
出处 《中国远程教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第07S期20-24,78-79,共5页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
关键词 教学 改革 技术
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