共焦激光扫描显微镜对物镜有高分辨率、易于实现纵向扫描的要求,为此设计了高分辨率6片式无限远像距显微物镜。它的前置物镜与辅助物镜之间具有一段平行光路,因此容易实现轴向扫描。根据使用要求总体计算该物镜的外形尺寸,以像差理论为基础选择6片式的消色差物镜初始结构,用专业光学设计软件OSLO对物镜和辅助物镜进行设计和像质分析。设计结果显示,独特的6片式结构的20×物镜分辨率达到了800 lp/mm,符合共焦显微镜的使用要求。
The objective used in the cofocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) is required to have high resolution and be easy to scan in the axial direction. A high resolution infinite image distance achromatic microscopic objective with six pieces of lens configuration is designed. There is a parallel beam of ray between the prepositive objective and the attachment objective, so it is easy to attain axial scanning. The outline dimensions of the objective are calculated according to the application requirement. The six pieces of lens configuration of the achromatic objective is selected based on the aberration theory. The professional optical design software OSLO is applied to particularly design the prepositive objective and the attachment objective. Also. the image quality estimate of the objective is given. The result of design shows that the resolution of the 20 × objective with six pieces of lens is 800 lp/mm, so it fulfills the requirements of the CLSM.
Optics & Optoelectronic Technology