目的研究健康志愿者单剂口服氨溴索分散片(祛痰药)60 mg后的药代动力学及生物等效性。方法用开放随机交叉给药方案,19名男性健康志愿者分别单剂量口服氨溴索分散片(受试制剂)或氨溴索片(参比制剂)60 mg,用LC—MS/MS测定健康受试者的血药浓度,计算药代动力学参数。结果用非房室模型计算药代动力学参数,受试制剂与参比制剂的AUC0-1分别为(1215.12±476.10)和(1343.90±654.28)μg·h·L-1;AUC0-∞分别为 (1298.76±517.09)和(1448.63±725.68)μg·h·L-1;Cmax分别为(122.07 ±51.96)和(130.13±55.41)μg·L-1;tmax分别为(2.21±1.03)和(2.45± 0.74)h;t1/2分别为(9.12±1.31)和(9.27±1.15)h,氨溴索分散片的相对生物利用度为(95.02±20.62)%。结论 2种制剂具有生物等效性。
Objective To study the phannaeokineties and bioequivale - nce of ambroxol dispersible tablets in healthy male volunteers. Methods A single oral dose 60 mg ambroxol hydrocloride of test or reference formulation was given to each volunteer according to an open, randomized, cross - over study. The drug concentrations in plasma were determined by LC -MS/MS method. Results The main pharmacokinetic parameters of ambroxol hydrocloride were as follow: AUC0-1 were (1215.12±476.10) and (1343.90±54,28)μg·h·L^-1,AUC0-∞ were (1298.76± 517.09) and (1448.63 ±725.68)μg·h·L^-1,Cmax were (122.07± 51.96) and (130.13 ±55.41)μg·L^-1 ,tmax were (2.21±1.03) and (2.45±0.74) h, t1/2 were (9.12 ± 1.31 ) and (9.27±1.15 ) h for test and reference, respectively. The relative bioavailability of AUC0-t was (95.02± 20.62 ) %. Conclusion The results of statistical analysis showed that the two formulations were bioequivalent.
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology