

Seeking for the deep psychological causes of diseases in patient with neurosis by dream analysis
摘要 目的:寻找一位神经症来访者的早期深层病因,为顺利进行心理咨询和辅导打开通道,以最终治愈或缓解病情。方法:患者,女,21岁,大专二年级学生,2004-05-10因神情恍惚等前来咨询,根据主述和测试,确诊其为1例典型的神经症患者。在其咨询过程中神经症病情没有根本性的好转,故采用解析梦的方法,通过对其显梦的解析,剥去伪装,探索和把握其梦隐意。寻找病因。结果:找到患者早期深层的病因是12岁左右时开始发生的性经验。以此为据,对其进行心理咨询和辅导,半年内病情明显好转,又经近半年巩固,病情基本治愈,多种心理测试指标正常,随访半年,情绪稳定,交往增多,生活、工作正常,未见以前症状复发。结论:解析梦的方法是寻找神经症来访者早期深层的病因一种有效方法。 AIM: To seek for the early deep etiological factor of a patient with neurosis, so as to pave the road for psychological consult and coach, aiming at curing and alleviating the pathogenetic condition of patient, consultant of mental disorder. METHODS: The subject was a female sophomore aged of 21 years, who came between May and October 2004 to consult about her blurred mind. According to the main complaint and tests, the subject was finally diagnosed as a typical neurosis patient. In the course of consultation, there was no essential improvement in the patient's condition. Therefore, dream analysis was adopted, The disguise was stripped off by analyzing her explicit dream, probing into as well as mastering the meanings of her dream, so as to seek for the etiological factor. RESULTS: The early deep eanse of disease was the sexual experience that started in patient when she was 12 years old. According to this experience, patient was interviewed and coached, and the symptoms were obviously ameliorated within half a year. The symptoms disappeared after the consolidation of half a year, and multiple psychological indexes of patient were normal in the test. In the Follow-up of half a year, the emotion of patient was stable, who were normal in life and work with increased communication, while there was no recurrence of former symptoms. CONCLUSION: Dream analysis is an effective method in seeking for the early deep cause of disease in patient with neurosis.
作者 刘宗发
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第30期154-157,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 重庆市高校中青年骨干教师资助计划(渝教人[2005]2号) 重庆市教委人文社会科学项目"师范院校实习生心理障碍与教育策略研究"(04JWSK122)~~
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