108 cases of acute attack of chronic cor pulmonalc were divided into two groups randomly. 55 cases of the trcating group were trcated with conventional therapy combined with intravenous injcction of injcctio of Dan Shen and injcctio Magnesium Sulfatc. 53 cases of the control group were trcated merely with conventional therapy. The result showed that the marked rcsponscc rate and total response rate of the treating group were 65.45% and 87.27% rcspcctincly while those of the control group were 37.73% and 56.60% respectively. There was a significant difference of the tolal response rate between the two groups, processed by statistics(P<0.01). The result of the blood rhcology exam showed that the whole blood specific viscosity, the plasma specific viscosity and the hematocrit dropped significantly in the treating group and there was a significant difference before and after treatment (P<0.01). While those of the control group, though these indexes dropped slightly after treatment, had no significant difference in statistics (P>0.05). There was a significant difference of the result of blood rhcology cxarn between the two groups (P<0.01). The result indicated that injcctio Dan Sheu and injcctio Magnesium Sulfatc could reduce the hypcrviscosity of the blood of the patients with cor pulmonalc whowere in the stage of acute attack and could incrcase the therapcutic effect.
Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Injectio Dan Shen
Injcctio Magnesium Sulfatc
Cor Pulmonalc
Stage of acute attack