
生物信息学在未来感染病学教学中的地位和作用 被引量:6

The Role of Bioinformatics in the Future Medical Education of Infectious Diseases
摘要 生物信息学是在生命科学的研究中,以计算机为工具对生物信息进行储存、检索和分析的科学。它是当今生命科学和自然科学的重大前沿领域之一,同时也是21世纪包括临床医学在内的自然科学的核心领域之一。生物信息学对于感染性疾病中病原体,生物传播媒介,宿主的整体基因信息分析,抗感染药物的设计,耐药机制的阐明,疫苗的研发、个体化的预防策略等均有着日益重要的作用。作为一门新兴的交叉学科,它同感染病学临床教学有机的结合对于适应未来医学教育现代化的要求,提高医学生的信息素质,培养临床科研思维均有着重要意义。 Bioinformatics is a new field of science which takes the help of information technology for storage, retrieval & analysis of data and to simulate biological processes. Bioinformatics is important in the infectious diseases research including identification of pathogen, whole genome analysis of the cartier, antimicrobial agents design, development of vaccine, and management of drug- resistance. It is also in urgent need to integrate bioinformatics and modem medical education to renew our knowledge and improve the medical students to fit with the demand of future challenge of medical sciences.
出处 《华西医学》 CAS 2006年第3期474-476,共3页 West China Medical Journal
关键词 生物信息学 医学教育 感染病学 bioinformatics medical education infectious diseases
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