目的探讨用Excel电子表格制作血常规室内质控图的方法,提高质控图的质量。方法利用Microsoft Excel电子表格的函数计算功能,在活动单元格中输入各种质控参数及计算公式,自动计算平均值(x)、标准差(s)和变异系数(CV%),利用制作图表功能,设计制作质控图。结果每天在数据表中输入质控测定结果,计算机自动计算作图。可以对非随机因素引起的失控现象予以纠正。作好的质控图和数据表可以打印保存。结论用Excel电子表格制作室内质控图省时省力、美观准确。
Objective To study the methods to make the quality control diagram by Excel electronics form to use computer resources sufficiently and improve the quality of the quality control diagram. Methods Using of the function calculation of Microsoft Excel electronics form by imputing the parameters of the quality control and the computing formulas in movable unit space to calculate automatically the mean value(), the standard deviation(SD) and variation coefficient(CV%). Using of the function of making the diagram to design and make the quality control diagram. Results The computers would calculate and made diagram automatically only by imputing measurement results of the quality control and it would discover and rectify instantaneously and automatically if there was the phenomenon of lose control resulting from the non- random factors. The control diagram may be printed and reserved forever while being completed. Conclusion It is saving time and energy that we record the result and diagram of the internal quality control by computer. And the diagram would be made accurately and being perceived directly through the sences.
Journal of Heze Medical College
Excel electronics form
The internal quality control diagram
Blood routine examination