The gas singeing machine was used for the Tencel/ramie intertexture tabby fabric. One step desizing-scouringbleaching process both using cold-pad-batch or steaming technique, as well as three mercerizing methods concerning non-mercerizing, semi-mercerizing and whole mercerizing were compared. The process recipe and condition of reactive dyeing, enzyme treatment, resin finish, Tombling were tested. As a result, with open-width cold-pad-batch technique, the wrinkle and scraped of the fabric were reduced and capillary and handle were satisfactory. The semi-mercerizing process exhibted deeperand brighter shade and soft handle. Once reactive dyeing were used, the temperature should be increased properly for improving the penetration of dyes. Enzyme treatment, resin finish and Tombling could give the fabric peach skin effect.
China Dyeing and Finishing