设计了一款内置功率MOSFET的电流模式降压型DC—DC转换器。该DC/DC转换器采用PWM控制,在传统的PWM结构上加入电流反馈环路,改善了传统电压模式DC/DC的缺点,能够取代国际上流行的三端可调线性稳压器。该转换器具有瞬态响应快,启动过冲小,输出纹波小,输出电压可调等特点。正常工作情况,输入电压5~25V,输出电流2A,工作频率400KHz。采用0.8μm BiCMOS工艺模型进行了Spectre模拟,并且制作了该芯片。经过验证,各项指标符合设计要求。
A buck DC -DC converter with power MOSFET inside is analyzed and designed. It is controlled by Pulse -Width -Modulation (PWM). The circuit has a current-mode feedback loop compared to the conventional structure, thus it wipes out the disadvantages of voltage - mode DC/DC converter. Fast transient response speed, tiny overcharge voltage, programmable output voltage and small ripple voltage are the characteristics of the circuit. In a typical use, the input voltage is 5 - 25V, output voltage is 5V, output current is 2A, the operation frequency is 400 KHz. At the end, the design, based on the 0.8 μm BiCMOS model with Spectre, is verified.