Objective To investigate the property of the phase-locked response to pure tones in the inferior colliculus. Methods Recordings from single units of the inferior colliculus at a time were made with glass insulated tungsten electrodes in 14 pigmented guinea pigs. The main stimuli were pure tones (duration 200 ms) gated on and off with cosine squared ramps lasting 2 ms and with a repetition period of 600 ms. Extracellular action potentials were discriminated using a level-crossing detector (SD1, Tucker-Davies Technologies). The characteristic frequency (CF) and frequency response area were determined by making automated frequency-intensity plots. Peristimulus time histograms were made of responses to 100 presentations of tones, of at least 8 frequencies, that were determined by the boundaries of the frequency response area. Period histograms were plotted for each of these so that the degree of synchronisation (vector strength) could be calculated. Results Recordings were made from 188 units/clusters in total. Of these 131 units (70%) showed phase- locking to pure tones at one or more frequencies. The CFs of most (87%, 114/131) phase-locked units were within the range of 100-1 000 Hz. The highest frequency at which phase-locking was detected was 1 500 Hz but for most units the upper limit of phase-locking was lower than 1 000 Hz. Some units showed weak phase-locking where the vector strength never increased above 0.3 whereas other units showed strong phase-locking and had vector strengths of above 0.9. There were 12 band-pass units in the IC (9.5 %) while the rest of the IC units were low-pass and had the best vector strengths at the lowest frequencies to which they gave a sustained response. We identified 6 types of unit by following the definitions of Le Beau et al. There was a considerable variation in phase-locked response frequency range and strength among different PSTH types. And there was considerable overlap in the strength of phase-locking between the four larger groups. The str
Chinese Journal of Otology
Phase-locked response
Inferior colliculus
Pure tone