如何保证实时业务(如VoIP、AoD和VoD等多媒体业务)的服务质量是目前无线通信领域的一个重要课题。本文概述了现有的IEEE 802.11中服务质量支持机制,包括基于 MAC层的区分服务机制、基于MAC以上层的接纳控制和带宽预留机制等,对实现复杂性、兼容性和资源利用率等进行了简要分析。
Due to simple deployment, low cost and broadband bandwidth capability, WLAN market is experiencing explosive growth. As an important component of key network in the future, WLAN is required to meet multi-services and high quality of service. Therefore, the major problem is how to satisfy the QoS requirement of real-time service. This article surveys the QoS support mechanism in IEEE 802.11 networks, including service differentiation in the MAC layer, admission control and bandwidth reservation in MAC and higher layers, and there is a comparison between them in terms of complexity, compatibility and resource utilization.
Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic