
胎儿颈部透明带厚度检测在产前筛查中的应用 被引量:2

The role of nuchal translucency in prenatal screening.
摘要 目的 分析建立中国汉族人群早中孕期各孕周的NT标准值范围;探讨早中孕期进行超声检测胎儿颈部透明带厚度(NT)对筛查胎儿异常在产前诊断中的临床作用。方法自2003年11月始,对在我院产检的所有孕妇从10孕周起进行NT测量,对其中959例在我院结束妊娠、资料完整的病例进行研究,以10—14wNT大于3mm及14w后NT大于5mm为切点(cutoff)值,采用统计学方法进行数据分析,对NT增加者胎儿结局进行分析。结果确立各孕周平均值和95%参考上限。经相关性分析,发现随着孕周的增加,NT有逐渐增加趋势,回归方程:NT=0.0229×孕周一0.1021,(r=0.9692,P〈0.01):NT与孕妇年龄无明显相关性。以3mm作为风险界定值,其假阳性率为O,以2.5mm设为风险界定值其假阳性率为4.3%,检出率均为100%。共检出5例NT增厚的孕妇,均伴有不良胎儿结局。结论NT检测不仅对于染色体疾病的早期诊断具有重要的意义,而且可以早期发现多种原因造成的胎儿异常,是早中期妊娠阶段产前筛查有效手段之一。应该进行多中心大样本的研究,从而使之制度化和规范化,并获得更为可靠的风险界定值。 Objective: To establish the standard value range of fetal nuchal translucency (NT) in deferent gestational week and to investigate the role of NT measurement in the screening of fetal malformation. Methods : A total of 959 pregnant women underwent NT screening from November 2003 to April 2005 in Peking University Third Hospital. The cut-off value of risk for trisomy 21 is over 3mm from 10-14 gestational weeks, and 5mm after 14 gestational weeks. Fetal outcomes were evaluated. Results: An elementary referential parameter of the fetal nuchal translucency from 12 to 14 Gestational weeks was obtained. NT was increased with gestational week. The regression equation was NT =0.0229 × (gestation week) -0. 1021, ( r = 0.0229,P 〈0.01). No difference was found with pregnant age. Taking 3mm as the risk cutoffs, the false negaive rate was zero and with a 100% positive rates; taking 2. 5mm as cut -offs, the false positive rate was 4. 3% with a positive rates of 100%. There were 5 abnormal fetuses with a thick NT. Conclusion: The nuchal translucency measurement by ultrasonograph is a useful method in prenatal screening and diagnosis. There is a relationship not only with chromosome abnormality, but also with other fetal mslformation.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2006年第7期53-54,78,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 超声 染色体异常 颈背透明带厚度 产前筛查 Ultrasound Chromosome abnormality Nuchal translucency Prenatal screening
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