Objective To evaluate the therapeutic significance of concurrent taxotere and radiotherapy for elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).Methods Elderly patients with advanced NSCLC received 6-MV X rays at split-course schedule with the total dose of 50-60Gy/5-6 weeks and taxotere,35mg/m^2,administered on the first day of each radiotherapy week.Results Of 32 patients enrolled,the objective response occurred in 86.4% of chemo-navepatients and 40% of the others,the overall response rate was 68.8%.The media duration of survival was 8.5 months.The more frequent toxieities were esophagitis,leueopenia and pneumonitis (56.4%,46.4% and 17.6%,respeetively).No serious toxicity and treatment related death occurred.Conclusion This regiment was well-tolerated and effective in elderly patients with advanced NSCLC.
Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy