讨论骨纤维结构不良的病因及治疗方法。本文报道16例8岁以下幼儿期骨纤维结构不良,大部分为单灶性,发生于长骨骨干,研究其临床、X 线、组织学表现和组织培养及各种治疗方法。经6个月~12年(6.2年)随访,治愈13例,复发率70%。骨纤维结构不良病变组织增生活跃、复发率高,浸润性生长,具有真性肿瘤特征。同时还根据病变纤维组织增生和化生骨化等病理过程的差别,将该病分为静止型和进展型。幼儿期骨纤维结构不良更具增生活性,多为进展型,应积极处理。
Objective:To study the etiology and treatment of fibrous dysplasia in children. Method:16 cases of fibrous dysplasia in children younger than 8 years are reported.Most of them were monostotic and the lesions located in the shaft of the long bone.The pathology,clinical man- ifestations,X-ray films,histology,tissue cultures and treatment were reviewed and analysed. The follow-up ranging from 6 mos to 12yrs(6yrs and 2mos in an average)showed that 13 cases of recurrence making a relapse rate of 70%.Results:Pathological sections of fibrous dysplasia showed true tumor's characters with active proliferation and infiltrative growth.The disease can be divided into resting type and developing type according to the degree of the proliferation and os- seous metaplasia of the fibrous tissue.Conclusion:It is believed that the developing type of fi- brous dysplasia should be treated surgically as early as possible.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery