目的了解类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者中断改变病情药(DM ARD s)的原因,以提高对RA的治疗水平。方法回顾性调查我院门诊及住院RA患者136例,记录人口统计学资料、临床资料、中断DM ARD s的原因:比较停药组与未停药组之间的差异,分析中断DM ARD s的影响因素。结果调查患者中54.4%停用DM ARD s。停药原因依次为:自觉无效、担心药物副作用、症状减轻、出现药物副作用、经济困难、购药困难、患其它疾病。停药组与未停药组比较,在病程、关节肿胀数、关节压痛数、血沉(E sR)及类风湿因子水平(RF)、低经济收入、低教育程度及是否专科治疗方面有显著差异。结论RA患者停用DM ARD s发生率高,其停药原因是多方面的,应引起临床医师的高度重视。
Objective To analyze the reasons why patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) stopped taking disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Methods 136 inpatients and outpatients with RA were reviewed and their clinical information and reasons of DMARDs cessation were recorded. Results 54% of the 136 patients with RA stopped taking DMARDs. The main reasons for that were ineffectiveness deemed by patients themselves, worries caused by side effects, symptom alleviation, economical factors, difficulty in purchasing drugs and concurrent diseases. There were significant differences in terms of course of disease, income and education level, the number of tender joints, the number of swell joints, ESR and rheumatoid factor level between patients who insisted on taking DMARDs and those who did not. Conclusion The incidence of DMARDS cessation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is quite high and the reasons for it are multiform. This phenomenon should arouse clinical doctors' concern.
Medical Journal of West China
Rheumatoid arthritis
Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs, Specific treatment