Objective To understand the effects of chitosan at 20 g/L on lipid peroxidation damage and inflammation reaction at the early stage after corneal alkali bum. Methods Comeal alkali bum model was made in 15 New Zealand white rabbits that were divided into chitosan treatment group (right eyes) and control group (left eyes). At days 7, 14 and 28 respectively after bum, five rabbits were killed each time for detecting the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the corneal and aqueous humor and for microscopically observing histopathological changes of the corneal.
7.1 Burns 206294 Role of chitosan in preventing lipid peroxidation damage following corneal alkali burn/Xiang Yan(向艳,Dept Ophthalmol,Tongji Hosp,Mongji Med Col,Huazhong Univ Sci Technol,Wuhan 430030)…∥Chin J Trauma.-2006,22(1).-36~39Objective To understand the effects of chitosan at 20 g/L on lipid peroxidation damage and inflammation reaction at the early stage after corneal alkali burn.Methods Corneal alkali burn model was made in 15 New Zealand white rabbits that were divided into chitosan treatment group (right eyes) and control group (left eyes). At days 7,14 and 28 respectively after burn, five rabbits were killed each time for detecting the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the corneal and aqueous humor and for microscopically observing histopathological changes of the corneal.Results Compared with control group,the cornea epithelium was healed faster,with less inflammatory reaction,higher activity of SOD and lower content of MDA in chitosan group.Conclusion Chitosan plays an important role in preventing lipid peroxidation damage,inhibiting inflammatory infiltration and promoting corneal epithelial healing.14 refs,6 figs,3 tabs.