
300例女性吸毒人员性病、乙肝和丙肝感染状况分析 被引量:4

An Analysis of Sexually Transmitted Infections,Hepatitis Infections among 300 Female Drug Users
摘要 目的:了解广东省某妇教所吸毒人员性传播疾病及乙肝、丙肝的感染状况,为制定针对吸毒者的性病艾滋病防治措施提供依据。方法:对2004年6月以后新收入广东省某劳教所的女性吸毒人员进行淋球菌,衣原体,梅毒,HIV,乙肝及丙肝检测。结果:在采集到的249份宫颈阴道标本中,4.0%的标本检测到衣原体,2.4%培养到淋球菌。显微镜直接镜检结果,念珠菌、阴道毛滴虫及诊断细菌性阴道病的线索细胞的阳性率分别为3.2%,1.6%和12.9%。300份血标本中,30.7%梅毒螺旋体抗体明胶凝集试验(TPPA)阳性,3.3%血清HIV抗体初筛试验阳性(快速法)。乙肝核心抗体的阳性率为60%,丙肝抗体的阳性率为30.7%。结论:梅毒、HIV及乙肝、丙肝在女性吸毒人员中的感染率很高,这是防治工作中必须重视的问题。 Objective: To investigate on the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and related infectious diseases among female drug users in a women's detention center in Guangdong province, China. Methods:Entrants who were sent to the women's detention center after June, 2004 were tested for chlamydia trachomatis( CT), gonorrhea, candida, trichomonas vaginalis (TV) and clue cells for bacterial vaginosis (BV), syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B&C. Results:Out of the 249 cervical/vaginal samples, 4. 0% were found to be CT positive and 2. 4% of them were found to have gonorrhea by culture. 3.2% were found to have candida, 1.6% TV and clue cells were found in 12. 9%. Out of the 300 blood samples, 30.7% were treponema pallidum particle assay (TPPA) positive, 3.3% were HIV antibody positive, 60% were hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) positive and 30. 7% were hepatitis C positive. Conclusion:The prevalence of syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B&C were very high among the entrants of female drug users in Guangdong province, China. A comprehensive prevention intervention is needed to target this high risk group.
出处 《岭南皮肤性病科杂志》 2006年第2期139-140,149,共3页 Southern China Journal of Dermato-Venereology
关键词 吸毒者 性传播疾病 感染性疾病 Drug users Sexually transmitted infections Infectious diseases
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