目的探讨嗅沟脑膜瘤的早期诊断。方法回顾性分析17例嗅沟脑膜瘤的临床记录,包括临床表现、症状持续时间、神经影像学特征、手术结果和组织学类型。结果本组病例显示患者平均手术年龄44岁,症状持续时间平均17个月,头痛和精神障碍为常见症状,视乳头水肿和嗅觉功能障碍是常见体征。肿瘤的最大直径平均4.6 cm,大多数患者有瘤周水肿。肿瘤全切16例,次全切1例。88%的患者康复良好,放射学随访期间无复发。结论诊断的延误使得手术时肿瘤较大,CT和/或MR I是嗅沟脑膜瘤早期诊断的重要方法。
Methods Objective To explore the early diagnosis of olfactory groove meningiomas. The clinical records of 17 patients diagnosed of olfactory groove meningioma were retrospectively reviewed. The clinical presentation and duration of the symptoms before diagnosis were collected. Neuro - radiologieal characteristics were also reviewed such as the tumor size, associated brain edema, type of contrast enhancement. The surgical resection grade, the histological type were also analyzed. Results Fe.male predominance is showed. The average age at presentation was 44 years. Average duration of symptoms prior to diagnosis was 17 months. Headache and change in mood are most frequent symptoms, the principal signs associated with olfactory groove meningiomas are papilloedema and dysosmia. The average maximum tumorous diameter was 4. 6 cm. 70.6% of the patients presented moderate or severe brain edema. Total tumor removal was achieved in 16 cases, and subtotal in 1 ease. Over 88% of the eases presented a good recovery at discharge. None of the patients presented with a tumorous recurrence after an average radiologieal follow - up of 29 months. Conclusion These tumors reach a big size due to the delay in diagnosis. CT and/or MRI are important ways for early diagnosis of olfactory groove meningiomas.
Journal of Medical Forum
Olfactory groove