Tolerauces of three strains of O. niloticus ( GIFT、“78”, “88” ) to low temperatures naturally decreased were studied and the lowest lethal temperatures of 50% individuals were calculated. Meanwhile, behaviours of these tilapias under temperature decreasing were observed. It was found that tilapias began to die when temperature reached 11℃ and died out under 7.4℃. Low lethal temperatures ranged from 11℃ to 8.4℃ for GIFT strain, from 9.8℃ to 7.4℃ for “78” strain and from 11℃ to 7.4℃ for “88” strain. Comparison Between lethal temperatures of 50% individuals of three stains indicated that tolerance of GIFT strain to low temperature was worse than the other stains, and there was no significant difference between “78” strain and “88” strain.
Fisheries Science & Technology Information