目的探讨记忆合金接骨板治疗尺骨鹰嘴粉碎骨折的手术方法和疗效。方法本院自2003年8 月至2005年8月应用记忆合金接骨板治疗尺骨鹰嘴粉碎骨折11例。结果所有病例获得5-20个月随访,平均12个月,全部病例均骨性愈合,按照Broberg和Morrey评估标准进行评价,优9例,良1 例,可1例,肘关节功能优良率为90.9%。结论记忆合金接骨板治疗尺骨鹰嘴粉碎骨折具有创伤小, 手术操作简单,有利于骨折复位固定,便于肘关节早期功能锻炼的优点,对于预防关节强直和创伤性关节炎有显著疗效。
Oblective To discribe the operative methods and results of treatment of olecranon comminuted fractures by Memory Alloy plate. Methods 11 cases ofolecranon comminuted fractures were treated with Memory Alloy plate from August, 2003 to August, 2005. Results All cases were followed up from 5 months to 20 months. The mean duration of the followe- up was 12 months. According to Broberg & Morrey's evaluation method, 9 patients was classified as excellent, 1 as good, and 1 as fair. The satisfactory rate was 90.9%. Conclusion It is available to reduction and fixtion of olecranon comminuted fractures treated with Memory Alloy plate, and less invasion, and simply procedure. It can prevent ankylosis and traumatic arthritis. Functional exercise can be started at early stage.
Orthopaedic Biomechanics Materials and Clinical Study